

With apologies to Ohio Arts.


1988 Todd E. Jones

One knob controls the horizontal, the other the vertical
Perfect for drawing boxes

Both knobs working together make diagonal lines
Useful for cutting corners

Handle it with care
It's only metal and graphic and plastic and glass
Don't throw it against the wall!
You'll regret what becomes of your precious device

...not a pretty picture at all
Two foreign cars, a house and modern conveniences
The accoutrements of Siburbia

You're living like an etch-a-sketch,
if you don't like what you see
you shake it up and start all over again

This site is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 4 and greater, although all attempts have been made to allow it to limp along in browsers less rigorously upfunctioned.

© 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2002 Todd E. Jones     
All information on this site     
is rigorously defended against     
the harsh light of reality.